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A Moment in History The life of

Lewis, Crosby, Aldridge

Father, Daughter, Granddaughter

Three generations in our small country cemetery.

LEWIS – James S. Lewis was born 1821 IL.  It is believed by some his parents were Paul Lewis and Ann Stewart, but there is not proof.  He married Angeline Watson in IL in 1841.  Their first child, Sarah , was born in IL in  May 1842.  Their 2nd child, William B., was born in MO 1844 so they moved to MO about 1843 or 1844 where they remained for the rest of their lives.  Their other children, all born in MO, were James Allen b. 1846, Oliver W b. 1862, Mary Pernissa b. 1864 and a girl Ulysses Grant b. 1867.        In 1891 Oliver married Julia H Mack b. 1868 MO.  They had 2 children but neither survived.  Mary first married in 1883 to L.L. Hamblen, then in 1895 to James Rupert Mails. In 1887 Ulysses married Isaac Newton STIVER, the son of Isaac Stiver and Susina (Susannah) Homer, who are also in this cemetery.  Their children were Ben b. 1887, Bertha b. 1889 and Ruby b. 1900.  No info has been found on son William as of yet.      CROSBY – Sarah married William Asbury Crosby in 1859.  Census list Sarah’s occupation as a Tailoress. She had 4 children.  Daughter Elizabeth Clementine “Clemmie” b. 1860 MO and 3 sons, all born in IL according to census, are Thomas U. b. 1862, James S b. 1863 and William Lafayette b. 1864.  The family later came back to MO.  No info is known yet about Thomas and James.  William married Jennie Spitler in 1906 but was divorced by 1910 having only 1 child, Nellie Mae.  William committed suicide in 1941.  “Clemmie” first married John H. Kern, divorced, then married John D. Glenn, but by 1920 she was a widow.  In 1944 she died in her home from gas fumes that ignited setting her bed clothes on fire.

    ALDRIDGE – Nancy “Nannie” b. 1873 MO was the daughter of James Allen Lewis.  In the 1880 census Nannie and her brother John b. 1870 MO are living with their grandparents James and Angeline.  In James probate a document dated 1900 states that son James Allen and grandson John have not been seen or heard from in 7 years (1893). He therefore names Nannie as an heir, however, a later probate document dated 1906 states she is deceased.  On May 30, 1890 Nannie married Robert Aldridge b. 1862 MO.  Nannie apparently became ill and as Robert was himself also ill she was sent to the Alms House.  She came out but later went back in where she died in 1902.  After his long illness Robert died in 1918 and is buried in Maple Park.  Robert was the son of Rufus Aldridge and Narcissa CHANDLER, an ancestor of our cemetery’s current President Robert  Chandler.     

CIVIL WAR – I submitted a list of names from the cemetery to Jeff Patrick at Hulston Civil War Library, Wilson’s Creek Battlefield, of any man remotely of the age to enlist.  Of all the men on the list the only person who had any service was James S/ Lewis. He was in right from the start being mustered in Aug 1862 in Springfield, MO.  He was a Pvt. in Co. D, 8th Reg’t Missouri Calvary.  They fought in battles in Missouri and Arkansas.        

by Cynthia Davison  with assistance from Glenda Myers, descendant of Clemmie. 2017